
#seeyouineyebizz #neuessehen # ausblickmitperspektive #eyebizz

Who we are
eyebizz ist die Medienmarke, die als aktiver Partner täglich über die Augenoptik-Branche berichtet. Ob als attraktives Magazin in Print und online oder Face-to-Face auf Messen und Events: die EntscheiderInnen der Branche erhalten crossmedial und international alle Themen, News und Bilder, die in ihrem Business von Bedeutung sind und ihnen helfen, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

eyebizz is the media brand that reports daily about the ophthalmic optics industry as an active partner. Whether as an attractive magazine in print and online or face-to-face at trade fairs and events: the decision-makers in the industry receive cross-media and international coverage of all topics, news and images that are important in their business and help them make the right decisions.

eyebizz is the effective communication platform for all manufacturers and service providers, in and for the industry. Eyebizz offers its partners maximum effectiveness.

NEW eyebizz-App: Print meets Digital

Connects our high-quality printed magazine with the online universe. Always and everywhere a pleasure to read. With additional information for editorial content and ads with promotions, videos or podcasts.

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